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Oliver Wendland

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Oliver Wendland last won the day on October 31 2017

Oliver Wendland had the most liked content!

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10 Good

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  1. Sounds really nice. This Feature would be extremly nice. This Network creates a new Milestone in the Sim-World and i can´t wait for the Kickstarter Campaign. Great Work, Rotate
  2. Can´t wait for be a part of this Network. This Network is going really "real as it get".
  3. I think, Creditcard is required for the Kickstarter Campain and be sure, that alternative Payment Method´s are coming later.
  4. Oh my Lord, this is so cool. Looks very good. The Synchronisation is a great thing for Mentors and Controller. Looking so much forward for this Network
  5. Hello Didimo, on the Homepage is in the Roadmap a Date announced: Founders with Alpha access will be able to test the first impressive features in Fall 2018. And a Kickstarter-Campane is planned, so save your Money Best Regards
  6. That sound so nice. I am looking forward too for this Network.
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