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Sebastian Munz

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Sebastian Munz last won the day on November 22 2017

Sebastian Munz had the most liked content!

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  1. it worked! https://flusinews.de/2017/11/rotate-network-kickstarter/
  2. great! a huge step forward! can't wait to earn my ratings
  3. nice! and kills a lot of not really needed organisazion units will help to reduce a lot of shitty paperwork!
  4. @Jonas Kuster In my mind I don't think that any of the community staff should get a discount. Even a discount will be like a payment for there work. I think there will be enough out there that are happy to man such positions without getting payed for it. For me I really like to think of navigation procedures and provide them to others. This took me hundreds of hours in the past. But I don't think that I need a discount or get payed for this work. If someone don't want to work he don't need to man a staff position. And for all the others it is fun to do that. And what can be better than a person that wants to do event planning or navigational stuff because he likes it and not because he want to have the discount and get payed.
  5. Hello, i just wondering how I can help to bring this network to life. My Idea is now to help them with getting in touch with news websites that didn't post a article until now: I will do the start. I have wrote to: flusinews.de I will look for more but I mainly know german ones. I hope anyone knows others and can write in a better english than mine
  6. perfect attention to details! And a lot better than the clients of the outdated networks. Let's hope that IVAC2 dies fast
  7. @Flavio Borgna and all others who are thinking that this is too much money. The most of us are part of an existing network. We are improving our sims and aeroplanes as much as we can and investing a lot of our money into this hobby. I am spending more than just 9 EUR per month for this hobby and this for much less. And for sure what are 9 EUR per month? - nothing! for the time we use this service! And I pay a lot more for other hobbies per month. (And perhaps there will be discounts for longer subscriptions ) I was waiting for years that anything is going to be improved at the current networks but nothing happened! I didn't thought, that I would ever have a new one. This is our all chance to get a new and awesome network with tools and software included that will never be seen on the current ones. This is our chance to unite the networks into one big network. If this will fail I don't think that a second chance will come and we will stick in the old ones forever until they die. So let us all do the start and switch to Rotate as others will follow us. And just think how full the airspaces will be if we can unite them into one I am happy to be with you all guys in this great, new network. best whishes Sebastian
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