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Simon Geier

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  1. this is absolutetly true.
  2. yeah your right, i hope that this project wont fail, but as an Vatsim ATC i can only just say:" splitting IVAO with VATSIM was bad for the "Traffic". And now splitting that two major communities to create something new will hopefully not split the communities again. For ATC its important to got traffic. Better to have 1000 pilots in one network than having 1000 in three networks. And i think this it what will happen. Cause just of creating rotate.network you wont create new flight simulator enthusiasts. You will just split the existing networks.
  3. All in all i think you'll try to create the egg-breeding-whool-milk-sow . Everything combined in one network. And if you dont fail with this you gonna try to get the "small" community and convince them to join rotate and be willing to pay for it. im not quite sure if you can really manage this. But if you create the above written sow, please include something like FSEconomy so that we can build FBOs buy planes etc.
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