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  1. Imagine Think of your checklist and what you would see on the tarmac below as ground crews are working on nearby aircraft. Airports are busy places, and each aircraft is a hub of activity. When you go through your checklist there is a skilled ground crew making sure that you safely get your wheels off the ground in time. The Virtual Ramp Agent lets you experience the next level of realism, even while you are still at the gate. Look around and you will see your own and other aircraft surrounded by ground crews, filling the airfield, breathing life into them. Functions The ramp agent is your eyes and ears on the ground. These hard-working members of any airport staff are responsible for managing all activities while you are on the ground. The ramp agent oversees the people who guide your aircraft into the gate, put chocks under the wheels when you have reached your parking position and are responsible for many other tasks, such as boarding, deboarding and refuelling, just to name a few. They coordinate the baggage and cargo trolleys, as well as the push-back trucks to get you onto the taxiway. Additionally, they make sure that all the vehicles are in place or out of the way at the right times. The Ramp Agent knows the final weight of your aircraft when it is fully loaded and ready for departure. This weight might be different than what was previously planned. This last-minute information gives you the aircraft’s final weight for accurate take-off calculations. All ramp agent functions are controlled from the pilot client. You not only receive information and control the agent from there but you also have to make certain decisions from time to time. Will you wait for the last passenger that hasn’t checked-in at the gate yet, or unload his baggage and take-off without him? Important point: This feature is a stretch goal. It would be great to include in Rotate Network right when we launch, but the time of implementation depends on the amount of funding we receive through our Kickstarter Campaign.
  2. Pilot Career You are an ace, so show it. Just like real-world pilots, you start small and build up your abilities and certifications. From the smallest single-engine aircraft to enormous fully-loaded cargo jets, you can get expertise in any aircraft by investing time in securing licenses and type ratings, and by doing so define your piloting profile. You will gain experience and can proudly present it to your fellow pilots and controllers. Pilot License A pilot license proves that you are a trained pilot. How trained you are is also visible in your profile and when you are in the air on the Live Map. The added depth of flying with Rotate lets you progress and gives you the option of improving as a pilot. Becoming a successful pilot is about more than just flying from A to B. This is a core part of flight, but before you take to the skies, you need to know a lot. Your pilot training includes things such as phraseology, flight planning, meteorology, navigation, map reading, and flying with and without instruments. You can go through a licensing process to prove your ability in all areas of flight. However, earning your license is not just about gaining knowledge. That is an important part, but having a license is a way to prove to yourself what you can do. It is a way of showing others how excellent you really are and helps make your time with Rotate worthwhile. Earning your license will be challenging, but it is worth it, both for the sense of accomplishment, the enjoyment and for the added realism. Type Rating Having a type rating for each aircraft you want to fly is a lot like the licensing process. By going through the necessary steps to reach a type rating, you prove to yourself and to the rest of Rotate Network that you can operate any aircraft you received a type rating for. Imagine having a hangar and filling that hangar with the aircraft you have type ratings for. If you are educated on the specific aircraft you want to operate, it lets fellow pilots and Air Traffic Controllers know just how well you can fly whatever aircraft you have a type rating for. However, should you choose to push yourself to improve, that will be visible to yourself, your airline, and the rest of the Rotate Network, so do something for yourself and the community by getting certified.
  3. We want to draw on your fascination for flying by giving you missions which help you explore the world of aviation to the full. The Rotate Network’s Mission System is a way of pushing your limits as a pilot and as an ATC. When you complete missions, a number of things happen. For one, your pilot statistics are updated with the details of your mission. Your contribution to any community mission is made visible. There is also a reward system which gives you achievements and ranks. The missions are an opportunity for everyone to see how far they’ve come. Some missions will only be available for a limited time. As a pilot, you benefit from being confronted with flight conditions that might push you outside of your comfort zone. You may have to fly in difficult weather, with technical failure, or make an emergency landing due to a medical emergency. Your mission could include heavy winds, heavy precipitation, or simply be a race against time. Weather dependent missions will only be made available with very short notice and for a limited time only, as soon as we see extreme weather conditions. For ATC, more pilots flying missions means more traffic for you. This increase in mission-specific traffic will give you the opportunity to work with a team of controllers, and will also give smaller airports, included in the mission objectives, more attention. The addition of missions adds extra challenge for ATC, due to managing the influx of connecting flights together as a team. ATC will be able to book slots at different airports, which will be useful for coordinating how many controllers are available to pilots with missions. Challenging missions can lead you to some of the most exciting airports. Pilots browsing the Mission Overview can quickly see when, and how many, ATC are available for each mission. All missions are viewable through the Live Map. Pilot Mission Rotation The missions which are available to you are updated on a regular basis. That basis may change, depending on feedback from the community. We are interested in your ideas, so if you are excited about a mission idea which you and your friends came up with, let us know. If we are impressed, then the new mission will be added to our regular mission line-up. We have more than just regular missions, we also have a special set, complete with achievements, made just for our Kickstarter Founders. Without you, we wouldn’t exist, so this is to say thank you, and to keep your time with the Rotate Network gratifying. Missions are more than just a way to progress as a pilot, they are a way to progress within the community. Other members can also see your statistics, achievements and completed missions. You can look at the leaderboards to see your statistics in comparison with the community average. Showing off your skills never hurts. Everyone has got to start somewhere, right? Every pilot will have access to optional tutorial missions. This will help new players get their bearings within the Rotate Network, but can be skipped if you already know the basics of flying. Whatever mission you choose, it will be sure to challenge yourself and help you reflect on adventures you’ve already had, and those yet to come.
  4. We want to build a system that gives beginners and veterans what they need to grow as virtual aviators and controllers. Beginners enjoy a more stable communication medium, leading to a steeper learning curve. ATC users will benefit as well because both parties in a transmission can understand what is being said. Veteran users already know how to deal with the older transmission models, but we want you to have the richest simulation possible. No more unintended comms issues, only crisp and authentic radio chatter. We are moving on from an outdated modem basis and misplaced software, and aiming for good quality voice transmissions. Now, when we say good quality, we aren’t aiming for the clarity of Teamspeak or similar voice communication programs. We are aiming for stable comms, with reduced bass and some artificially induced static meant to imitate real-world radio transmissions. Another focus is the reduced latency during calls, and the addition of a warning tone when speaking over each other. VHF transmissions will be influenced by obstacles. The current voice system models of the old networks allow for VHF transmissions only, but we want to expand that and offer you both VHF and HF frequencies. As a special feature, service frequencies are available to airlines in support of our extended airline infrastructure. Additionally, pilots using Rotate’s Voice Transmission will be able to tune into two separate frequencies at the same time, which is useful while multi-tasking your communication operations. Signal strength varies depending on the distance to the transmission's source. In addition, signal strength varies and is influenced by altitude, line-of-sight with and distance from the transmission source, as well as weather and terrain. Including these variables is a good example of the amount of detail Rotate wants to offer you. You could be checking a pilot’s IFR clearance, or listening to your airline radio traffic. From signal strength variance to authentic radio transmissions, from the ability to listen to your controller and the ATIS at your destination at the same time, Rotate wants you to hear the virtual aviation world.
  5. One fascinating side of modern aviation is the multitude of aircraft types and liveries roaring through the skies or pushing back smoothly from the gate next to you. The vast amount of potential combinations breathes life into your simulation and transforms it into a place where you can enjoy virtual aviation as it is meant to be. Inside our global database, you will find detailed, animated models of all major aircraft and their corresponding livery for the real-world airlines that fly those aircraft. Our livery database will grow over time as new models make it to the market, new airlines arise or the community decides it wants to fly a specific combination. Bring your own livery If you already have a livery of your own, such as your airline livery, go ahead and submit it to us. After a quick screening, we add your style to the database to show the community your true colours. There is no need to install external software to support specific skins. We have fully-automated model matching. That means that Rotate recognises your equipped model and its livery, and gives everyone else’s flight sim the correct information. Everyone sees the same thing, both the aircraft model and its livery.
  6. In aviation today, CPDLC is especially useful for pilots in many areas including, but not limited to, IFR clearances, position reports and enroute services. It allows you to send predefined text messages or free text to controllers, other pilots or your airline. CPDLC can save pilots and controllers a lot of time, and it proves helpful in a specific situation typical for virtual aviation networks, if you choose to use text-only communication. You will also benefit from CPDLC when connected to overly congested communication channels, severe weather, or simply want to have a backup comm channel. Another benefit of CPDLC use as a pilot is being able to simply click one button when receiving instructions from an ATC. No need to type anything while trying to set up your systems, just one click. Connecting to ATC Simply connect to an ATC station via the LOG ON screen. Pilots can access CPDLC via the Pilot Client. Here you can connect to the appropriate station or send messages to others using the Telex system. CPDLC allows you to manage complicated clearances from air traffic controllers efficiently, by always being able to review the clearance you received. Communication is still possible with CPDLC even in the case of overcrowded frequencies, when you just can't make yourself heard. Our smartly integrated system can also determine where you are and where you are going and pre-fill position reports with data for extra convenience, so you won't have to worry about typing all your waypoints into the system. For supported aircraft, which allow us to synchronise the data from the FMC, this function will be the most accurate. There are also plans for the future to support CPDLC directly inside of your simulator in the FMC of your aircraft. Many entries of the position report are pre-filled with data. Talking to your airline and others Airlines and other pilots don't have individual stations, which you can log-on to, as you would do with ATC stations. Instead, you can use the Telex message system, which allows you also to send free text messages to individuals. Through Telex you have the opportunity to coordinate with your airline and other pilots, or simply say “hi” to them. CPDLC and its Telex variant will also work in the Rotate Manager and App, giving you the ability to communicate to all of your friends currently logged in to the system. Find out more about how CPDLC will help you:
  7. Guest

    Pilot Logbook

    An essential part of your pilot training is the Pilot Logbook. It monitors your progress and keeps track of all important details by automatically adding new entries after every flight. In case you are currently enrolled in the pilot career program, those entries will be especially valuable to you, as some of them determine your progress on the flight path to certification. The Pilot Logbook tracks your total flight time. Additionally, it gives you a detailed analysis of how you spent your time: If you decide you want to take-off under VFR and later perform an IFR pick-up during flight, the Pilot Logbook shows you exactly which amount of your time you spent adhering to which flight rule. Additionally, we track the amount of time spend in single- or multi-engine aircraft as well as the number of take-offs and landings, all neatly organised into day and night. In case something was out of the ordinary, or you just want to write a comment regarding your flight you can also leave a remark for each entry. As is the case for real-life pilots, the log book can't be edited afterwards. Keep track of the critical aspects of your flight with the Pilot Logbook.
  8. The Pilot Dashboard within the Rotate Manager shows you all the important information of your pilot career. It's the place to remember your old adventures or start your next. Here is what you can do: Schedule Flights In your Pilot Dashboard, we keep track of all, present and planned flights, including the flight plans you pick up from your airline - these will be editable. Your current flight plans will also reflect changes made by ATC or through the Pilot Client. Past flight plans aren't editable, but you can use them as templates for new ones in case you ever want to fly with a variant of past flight plans again. In the Pilot Dashboard, you can also find additional information like your flight briefing or the route. All your plans for your current or upcoming flights are automatically available in the Pilot Client as well as the ATC Client for air traffic controllers to access. Hitting the New Flight Plan button will bring you right into the flight planning tool. We will bring you all the details of the flight planning tool in a future update. A list of your present and upcoming flights. Check Statistics If you want a quick view of the total distance you’ve flown, or to check your average touchdown rate, you can easily configure the stats window to display the most relevant statistics to you in your Pilot Dashboard. With a simple click on one of the stats, you can go to the full statistics page for even more detail and filtering abilities. If you are switching over from an old network and support us in our Kickstarter campaign, we will also give you the chance to carry over flight statistics from your old network as well. Display only the statistics, which are important to you. View Licences and Type Ratings In the Rotate Network, pilots can earn licences and type ratings for different aircraft. We want to give enthusiasts with a desire for realism and details the ability to get the most out of their simulation. At the same time, we know this can be quite time-consuming and that's why all licenses and type ratings will be optional. If you simply want to fly from A to B after school or work, you are more than welcome to do so. But if you ever want to learn more about your aircraft, how to fly it, or aviation in general, we will make sure it will be worth your time to become a certified pilot. Earn more licenses and type ratings through our pilot career system. View your Pilot Logbook A condensed version of the logbook shows a detailed summary of your last flights on Rotate. The logged flight time and amount of landings you perform won't solely be for statistic purposes, this information plays a significant role in earning your licences and type rating. A compact version of our intelligent Pilot Logbook.
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