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Pilot Logbook

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An essential part of your pilot training is the Pilot Logbook. It monitors your progress and keeps track of all important details by automatically adding new entries after every flight. In case you are currently enrolled in the pilot career program, those entries will be especially valuable to you, as some of them determine your progress on the flight path to certification. 

The Pilot Logbook tracks your total flight time. Additionally, it gives you a detailed analysis of how you spent your time: 

If you decide you want to take-off under VFR and later perform an IFR pick-up during flight, the Pilot Logbook shows you exactly which amount of your time you spent adhering to which flight rule. Additionally, we track the amount of time spend in single- or multi-engine aircraft as well as the number of take-offs and landings, all neatly organised into day and night. 

In case something was out of the ordinary, or you just want to write a comment regarding your flight you can also leave a remark for each entry. As is the case for real-life pilots, the log book can't be edited afterwards. 

Keep track of the critical aspects of your flight with the Pilot Logbook.

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