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Jakob Ludwig

Pilot Client

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Hi devs and admins,

Do you have any insight information about the "Pilot Client" you are intending to use and what features, limitations it will have and the supported simulators and operating systems it will be compatible with?

I am especially asking about X-Plane 11.


Jakob Ludwig

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Hello Jakob,

we will build an entirely new client for Rotate. Detailed information about the clients can be found here: https://rotate.network/features/general_infrastructure

Supported flight simulators include:

  • Flight Sim World
  • Prepar3D v3
  • Prepar3D v4
  • Microsoft FSX
  • Microsoft FSX:SE
  • X-Plane 10
  • X-Plane 11 ;)

Our software will be initially made for Windows operating systems. Our app will be available for Android and iOS.

We will release more and more features about our pilot client in the next weeks. You can find out more at https://rotate.network/features/pilot

Have a good one,


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It'd be really nice to have one client for all sims. I fly P3D and XP11. Both sims are simply amazing and have their very own, unique advantages. But I must admit, that flying online with X-Plane is less enjoyable. The old XSquawkbox is simply that, old and X-Ivap doesn't always work for me.

A big extra would be an MTL that requires only one repaint for all sims. Well, a man can dream :)


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Our Pilot Client will work with all supported sims. There will be one client to rule them all! :)

The beauty of our Global Livery Sync is that once you have, for example, provided your virtual airline repaint to us, we will go ahead and convert this into the appropriate formats for all flight sims. No need to save it to different formats yourse... oops I just realised, we have not released information about this feature. I will send the hamster on his way, a feature release about Global Livery Sync is almost ready for you. ;) 


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Hello, Eric 54 years old.

Ivao 4726 hours 

Vatsim 5165 hours

flight sim 2004 user.... 

Don't forget Fs2004 user please...

best regards.


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