Denis Brenner 67 Posted November 13, 2017 No matter what stage of your controller career you are in, we want to support you with everything we have in order to achieve and maintain a global standard of excellence. Advantages of our ATC Career system We put a lot of focus on gaining experience during training. You deserve to hop into the controller seat early on, with as few hurdles as possible. You won’t be alone on your journey through controller training. Mentors will guide you along your path, both for your sake and for the sake of the network. At the end of your training, you will be a competent controller. Mentors Rotate Network makes mentoring a blast. With our globally available training documents, you can focus on educating trainees and helping them improve faster. Additionally, we offer you a special set of tools to increase your effectiveness, such as scenarios where you manage simulated aircraft; or mentoring view, which allows you to oversee the actions of your trainees. Bookings for sessions and training are easily managed right in the Rotate Manager. Organisation is simple and clearing students for the next step in their training requires only a button-click. Now you can focus purely on giving trainees the skills and knowledge they need, sensei. Training Rotate’s goals for the controller community are twofold. We make it straightforward for new users to get into controlling. We also make our controllers prove that they are skilled enough for their stations, right from the start. Once registered with Rotate anyone who is interested in a career as an air traffic controller can start learning the basics of controlling while also receiving an introduction to the ATC Client. First, we supply you with the proper reading which teaches you to what it means to be a controller and how training and controlling works. We create the learning experience, and you just have to apply yourself to the challenges. You aren’t alone in your training; mentors will always assist you, should you need any help. We make sure that before you man a position, where you control real pilots, a mentor will speak with you. After your first mentor session, you can already begin operating an info tower. We also want you to be challenged from the start and believe that you will grow faster by giving you controlling tasks during your training. Learn the basics and start offering great service especially to all VFR enthusiasts and beginner pilots out there while advancing your controller career. We want to make your entry into the world of air traffic control as smooth as possible. That is why we choose to train beginner controllers in smaller steps at the beginning of their career. This allows you to become comfortable and competent in one area first, while at the same time giving you the freedom to accept the challenge of managing those positions all on your own. Training for advanced positions becomes more challenging later on in your ATC Career to ensure high-quality controlling at positions with increased responsibility. You have to pass exams for each level of certification, and once you are a tower controller, you can switch regions or even countries. If you want to switch regions, you are required to pass an exam. Before taking the exam, you are welcome to take an optional refresher course. This examination process makes sure that you know local procedures and your controlling skills are well-suited for your new station. Should you fail the exam, you will have to go through proper training to get certified for the target region. Community Nobody likes to be stuck in a place with no traffic. We are combining those early stations with our Pilot career to make sure you actually get traffic. For example, traffic circuits are a beginning task for all pilots starting their career at Rotate. What better way to train as a pilot than at staffed airports? All controllers can set an option especially welcoming pilots in training. This way pilots can easily see well-suited airports right from their mission screen. This leads to cooperation between beginner controllers and pilots because the controllers offer their service to the pilots, who offer their traffic to the controllers. The two groups grow together because they interact with each other from day one. This symbiosis builds up both parts of the Rotate community. Please note that your ratings will expire if you are gone for long amounts of time, so you will have to practice and prove that you are up-to-date before you resume controlling. This is important because of the standard we want to uphold in our controller community. We want you and the community to be happy and up-to-date, so renewing your license doesn’t take much time. For new ATC trainees, we want to offer a streamlined process that gives everyone the opportunity to become a high-quality air traffic controller without sitting around in positions without enough traffic. If you are a veteran user, we want to challenge your skills and make you improve at your own pace. If you are a mentor, we want to offer you all the tools necessary for you to pass on your skills as efficiently as you control your airspace. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sven Schneeweiss 1 Posted November 13, 2017 Dear Rotate Network Team, your ATC Career sounds very interesting. I like the idea that new controllers have to begin at a small airfield, start with handling VFR and learn the ATC basics step by step. ATC can be very challenging at the beginning, especially if someone doesn´t have any prior knowledge in the field of aviation. And freezing the ATC rating if the ATC is inactive for a long time sounds fair, as long you can activate your old rating again through a renewal training. But I do have some questions about this system: - In the text, you are talking about “Mentors” and “Trainers”. Who will be Mentor, Trainer and Examiner? Will they be voluntary workers just like many other people in the other networks? Or are you planning on having a professional and trained staff, who are paid for their work and working shifts? Maybe even 24/7 service? - “We make sure that before you man a position (…) a mentor will speak with you.” Does that mean that new ATC applicants must complete a basic instruction with a mentor? (aka Pflichteinweisung?) - How do you define a “Region”? Is Region = FIR / ARTCC ? And are ATC restricted to certain regions? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted November 13, 2017 Hey Sven, we rely on voluntary mentors. For professional staff doing 24/7 shifts, we would need to charge members a lot more. Plus, that kind of takes the fun out of it. We want the community to be together. Especially as a new user we want you to have someone as your mentor, who you are going to control with throughout your career, who is part of your regional ATC team, who you can socialise and make friends with. Hiring professional staff to train you takes away that personal level of engagement, which we really want to foster. We want new members to feel welcome and have someone to go to right from the start. What better way of getting to know people in the network, than to have them talk to someone? This first contact is more about getting to know the trainee and showing him a few necessary things, making sure he is going to enjoy his time as a controller. It is not going to be as complex or strict as the basic instruction with a mentor (Pflichteinweisung) you have mentioned. As far as ACCs, FIRs and the likes are going to work you can check back tomorrow when we reveal the ATC organisational structure. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sebastian Munz 8 Posted November 13, 2017 best thing ever! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sven Schneeweiss 1 Posted November 13, 2017 Hi Martin, thank you for answering! It´s nice to know that you´re planning to assemble a staff with voluntary workers, just like the other networks. I fully agree what you write about new members and the important first contact. Mentors are essential to networks, they help new members to understand the complexity of the aviation and teach them the basics of ATC. Similar to the “Service Team” of the German division of IVAO. ? Speaking of a voluntary staff, how are you going to find the people needed for this work? Will you publish staff vacancies in the near future? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted November 13, 2017 All Staff positions will be posted on the official website, vacancies will also be visible there. But being realistic here, we can't go looking for staff to fill positions all around the world everytime something changes. That would be mostly the responsibility of the ACC leader. You can learn more about how ACCs are going to be organised in our feature release tomorrow. If you are asking about mentors and their recruitment, we will publicly advertise for mentor positions and there is a certification process required to become one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sebastian Munz 8 Posted November 13, 2017 2 minutes ago, Martin Hübner said: If you are asking about mentors and their recruitment, we will publicly advertise for mentor positions and there is a certification process required to become one. sounds good Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Didier PARISY 2 Posted November 13, 2017 Hi Martin, For beginner members interessed in ATC, this organisation seems really appropriated. I hope as fast as a trainee has the level required, he will be able to change on a larger airfield. It's also a good news to know scenarios of simulations are available. Will it be used for Info tower session if the trafic is not large enough ? Will a beginner ATC be allowed to staff a position on another airfield of the area apart from the sessions with his mentor ? Didier Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted November 13, 2017 Hey Didier, if traffic isn't large enough, simulation sessions will always be available. For Info Tower training there is no session planned, but trainees or mentors can still initiate them if needed. After completing the steps to get an info tower licence, beginner air traffic controllers should be able to man any Info Tower in the region. Certain airports might be restricted to new controllers due to complexity. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites